Outreach at Holy Redeemer

Report from Sabo Kawu

Report from Loreto School in Sealdah Kolkata

Food Assistance

House Building Project in Kenya

Application for Outreach Support 

Do you know of an overseas project that could do with our support? If yes, we would love to hear from you. For more information please contact any member of the Outreach team – Pat Morrisey, Marian Farrell, Brendan Herlihy or Kevin Rafferty or fill in the attached form and email to [email protected] or [email protected].

South Sudan Link

This year Sr. Orla Tracey has been talking to parishioners about her school in Rumbek, South Sudan. Below is a link to a video which gives a great insight into the lives and hopes of the girls in Sr. Orla’s school. The video is taken from the DVD documentary ‘Mary Ward: Dangerous Visionary’ which is available to purchase for €10. 


Thank You! There was an overwhelming response to Sr. Orla’s request for donations. Holy Redeemer parishioners raised approximately €11,000. Below is a link to her update on Food Security which outlines how the money raised in Holy Redeemer has been used. 

If you would to stay connected with Sr. Orla and receive her monthly newsletter you can contact her directly at[email protected].

Should you also wish to be become part of her monthly giving campaign you can do so by contacting her at this email address. 

Congratulations to Sr. Orla on receiving the the 2017 Hugh O’ Flaherty International Humanitarian Award:

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